The race is on to win the Automotive Customer Experience transformation
The automotive industry has begun to (re-)evaluate what they need to do to succeed in a digital world where customer experience is key to success.
The automotive industry has begun to (re-)evaluate what they need to do to succeed in a digital world where customer experience is key to success.
Die Automobilindustrie managt verschiedene Epochen- und Technologieumbrüche binnen weniger Jahre.
Optimizing the productivity, quality, safety and security of your assets and resources is always a challenge.
Hätten Sie noch vor wenigen Jahren Experten gefragt, was erfolgreiches Marketing ausmacht, dann hätte die Antwort unisono gelautet: Den Kunden ins Zentrum aller Aktivitäten zu stellen.
The past thirty months have shown that the dynamics of the automotive industry transformation have accelerated in multi-faceted ways.